Product Launches

sales Nov 23, 2020


You're about to learn a proven system for selling your flagship digital course.  If you've done your beta test then you are already a step ahead of 98% of new entrepreneurs out there...  but when you combine a beta test with a product launch your success has the potential to... shock you.

>> Click here to get a FREE instant download of the PDF version of this post... I'll throw in my audio narration as a free bonus.

My First Product Launch 

My first Product Launch was for a $9.97 e-Book about using Windows 10.  I didn't really know what I was doing (or why I was doing it) but I just followed the steps I'm about to share below and waited to see what would happen.

It turned out almost no one purchased the product the first day my cart was open.  In fact, no one brought a single e-Book for the first 3 days of my launch week.  Yeah, I was discouraged and even wondering why I wasted so much time not only building an e-Book...

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How To Win With Webinars

sales Nov 02, 2020


This is going to be a two part series on using webinars to skyrocket your impact and profits.  There is a lot I need to share and I want to make sure that I don’t leave anything out. 

So in part 1 we will cover: 

  • The complete fill-in-the-blank script to launch your webinar

Then in part 2 we will talk about using Facebook Ads to fill up your webinars and the on-boarding sequence you need which consists of the emails you’ll send to get people on your webinar.  You’ll also learn exactly when to send each email (questions of timing) 

>> Click here to get a FREE instant download of the PDF version of this post... I'll throw in my audio narration as a free bonus.

Are you ready to? Let’s go! 

Why Webinars Work 

One of the main reasons webinars work so well is because you can deliver a massive amount of value in just 60 to 90 minutes to hundreds, sometimes thousands...

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Downsells and Upsells

marketing sales Oct 26, 2020


If you’ve been following all the training from the first lesson until this one then I just want to take a moment to congratulate you for getting this far. 

You are awesome.  

>> Click here to get a FREE instant download of the PDF version of this post... I'll throw in my audio narration as a free bonus.

Most people won’t make it past the first five lessons but you’ve really stuck in there and I believe you are going to see huge results as you maximize your impact to your customers. 

Today I want to dig into an advanced topic that I didn’t learn about until much later in my business.  I really wish someone had explained the power of upsells and downsells to me earlier.

Here’s what we’re going to cover: 

  • The Subtle Power of Order Bumps 
  • Upsells  
  • Advanced Tactics: Downsells 

Remember, if you want to follow along you need to jump into your New Kajabi trial. You can...

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The Power Of Positioning And Pricing

sales Oct 19, 2020


Pricing and positioning is beautiful.

I think of it like art.

I mean think about it:  Why are so many things priced at 99 cents or 98 cents?  Or why do you see items priced at $97 rather than $100.  I mean, that's only a three dollar difference so does it really matter?

>> Click here to get a FREE instant download of the PDF version of this post... I'll throw in my audio narration as a free bonus.

It turns out it does.

One quick thing that's bothering me...

Before we jump in today, I need to ask you a question:

Are you here to make an income or an impact?  Are you here to make a dollar or a difference?

I need to bring this up because the stuff you've been learning so far, and specifically what you will learn in this lesson, can put you in a place where you can make a massive impact in the world.  

By pricing and positioning your products using the techniques I'll share below you'll be able to get more of your...

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The Smart Way To Use Thank You Pages

sales surveys Aug 24, 2020


Let’s take a step back to recap our lead generation flow. 

At this point you should have a domain name which points to a website.  And a website with opt-in forms and a blog.  And when someone submits their email address in your opt-in form your technology platform automatically sends them a lead magnet you created in Word, Canva or InDesign.  The subscriber is then added to your email list, and at the same time, immediately redirected to a thank you page. 

>> Click here to get a FREE instant download of the PDF version of this post... I'll throw in my audio narration as a free bonus.

The Lunch Meal For Royalty 

Many years ago my wife and I went to one of the top restaurants in New York City for lunch.  It was a super fancy french restaurant owned by the illustrious chef Éric Ripert.  Since my wife and I are foodies we were ecstatic to go! 

We somehow...

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